
Event Ticketing
Manage All Tickets
From One Dashboard

Upload, Manage & Scan all your tickets, from each provider, into one centralized dashboard.

Drop Tix - Download in App Store
Drop Tix - Download in Google Play Store

Create Events

For each event created you can add guests, assign team members, track tallies, issue tags, view stats & more.

Real-time Smart Stats

View stats for all your tickets or filter by provider or tags. Stats are displayed in real-time on both your control panel and app.

Import from CSV/Excel

Importing your tickets is easy. Drop your CSV file or Excel file from each ticket provider into your control panel to create one master list. Please note each file you upload must include the barcode assigned to each guest.

Manage Guests

Within your dashboard you can create, update, block, check in or check out guests. In addition tags or sessions can be assigned for quick filtering and to monitor the activity of your guests at each event.

Team Members

Create and Assign team members to your events to help manage the check in process. Track your staff while restricting team member actions when needed.

Tags & Sessions

With tags you can sort or filter your guests for quick access. With sessions you can monitor guest activity such as which exhibition stand is most attended, which time slot did they arrive, what area of the event they are currently in and more.

More Features

Export your data

Your data can be exported as a CSV, Excel, HTML or PDF file.

Guest List Performance

You can search your guest lists instantly even with thousands of guests.

Advanced Search

Search guests by initials, variations on names, additional info, email & more.

In-depth reports

In-depth Excel and PDF reports can be populated for the overall event or by ticket provider. 

Short codes

Short codes allow quick access to relevant filtered lists of guests. Such as 'Check-in' and 'Checked out' guests.

Smart filtering

Create tags or sessions that allow you to filter your guests. You can allow the app to only scan these tags or sessions.

One click import templates

After you upload your tickets from a provider you can name and save it to the 'DropTix' format so the next time you upload a list from that provider it is a 1-click process.


We check-in millions of guests and send 10's of thousands of emails. DropTix was built to scale so you can rest easy trusting us with your events.

Fantastic Support

We provide fantastic support through live chat, phone and email. We're here to make the process as easy as possible.

Frequently Asked Questions

We can accommodate concerts, festivals, nightclubs, conferences, meetings, birthday parties or any function that you would like to check guests in. Our platform is flexible to adapt to your needs. 

Whether your event is 100 or 10,000 guests DropTix can manage and scan your guests in lighting speed both online and offline. 

You can use any ticket provider that allows you to export their list with assigned barcodes for each guest. If your list does not have a barcode per guest Droptix will not be able to check in your guest. However, for those providers that do not provide barcode information we can generate barcodes for you. Contact us and we can help.

Absolutely! Let’s say you sold tickets on 5 different platforms. When you import your tickets you can tag them, with the name of that provider, so you can easily see how many guests have checked in from each ticket company.

You can add guests in 3 ways. The first way is manually if you only had a few guests you wanted to add.

The second way is to import your guests via CSV or Excel file. 

The third way is to connect directly to a ticket provider. This method at the moment is only available for eventbrite but more automated connections will be added in the next release. 

Once your event is over simply go to the Guests section. There is an export button for you to download all your scans from each provider. If you want to export individually by provider all you have to do is select the tag you gave to the provider in the filter and click the export button.

As organizers all we want to do is sell as many tickets as we can. Selling tickets on multiple sites helps to expose your event. The problem with selling tickets on multiple sites is that you have to check them in separately. This means you have to have the app or will call list for each provider to check in their specific tickets. Imagine having to manage all this while having guests waiting on line. Trust us it can become a nightmare. 

We created this event ticketing platform to allow organizers to expand their promotional strategy and simplify their check in process by consolidating all their ticket sales into one centralized dashboard. This means instead of switching back and forth between different apps and you will need is the DropTix app to scan in all your guests.  

Don’t restrict your target audience by limiting where you can sell or promote tickets. 

Incorporate DropTix into your workflow, expand your promotional strategy and elevate your check in process.

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