
Block/UnBlock Guests

This will show you how to Block or Unblock guests via the web dashboard.

  1. Select Events from the left menu to take you to your event listings page.
  2. On your event page Click the Guests button.
  3. Find the Guest you would like to Block or Unblock by searching by Name, Email or sorting the Name columns by First Name or Last Name. If you don’t know how to search Click Here for tutorial.
  4. Once you located the guest click on the Preview Icon under the Actions column to open their Guest Profile.
  5. Within the Guest profile page on the top there is a Block button in black. Click on it and a pop up will appear where you can leave a reason and than continue by clicking the Block button. Once the guest will is blocked they will not be allowed to check in.
  6. Once blocked the button will appear as Unblock. Click this button to unblock the guest.  
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