
Add Tags To Guests

Tags are useful if you would like to segment or filter your guests.

Example: You sold tickets on three ticketing providers (Ticket Companies A, B & C). Instead of having one set of guests you can tag them so you can search and get stats easily by provider.

Here are a few ways to add tags:


  • Click Events from the Left Menu.
  • Open the event that you would like to add tags for
  • Click on the Tags button.
  • Click the Create Tag button on the top right and give your tag a name.
  • Now you can assign tags to guests manually within their guest profile.


  • Click Events from the Left Menu.
  • Open the event that you would like to add tags for
  • Click on the Guests button.
  • Find the guest that you would like to add a tag and click on the Preview icon under the Actions Column.
  • This will open the guest profile and now you can assign an existing tag or create a new tag to that guest.
  • After the tag has been assigned click the Update button to save your changes.


  • Click Events from the Left Menu.
  • Open the event that you would like to add tags for
  • Click on the Guests button.
  • Click the Import Guests button on the top right.
  • Once you import your CSV you can assign all the guests in that lists to the same tag.
  • This is perfect for tagging guests by ticket company.

PLEASE NOTE: You can add more than one Tag to a guest.

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